The Internet Society has posted their latest IPv6 measurements (December 12th 2013). Read the section titled "Notes on network operator measurements" to understand how the measurements are being made and which content providers (Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai) are providing the data.
I've pulled out some of the data, and put together ranked (top 100) lists of networks by two measures: (1) percentage of requests that used IPv6, and (2) total volume of IPv6 requests. As I've done a few times in the past, I'm going to continue periodically writing these entries to have a snapshots in time of IPv6 deployment progress.
Many networks are posting some pretty impressive numbers for IPv6 usage. For the leading network in the %v6 category (the 1st list below), TOP-IX Consortium, an Italian Internet Exchange point has 86% of their requests to the participating content providers using IPv6! Several universities in the US R&E community are doing well too, Gustavus Adolphus College at 74%, Virginia Tech at 62%, University of New Hampshire at 51% among them. The University of Pennsylvania (my own institution) is posting a respectable 40% - we'll have IPv6 fully deployed on our wireless network in early 2014, at which time our numbers should go up substantially. There's an interesting story about why Penn hasn't had IPv6 on its wireless network for so long - I'm planning to write a separate article on that topic in the near future.
In the total volume category (the 2nd list below) Comcast now leads. John Brzozowski, Comcast's chief IPv6 architect, has written a more detailed article on their leadership position in IPv6 deployment. They are followed by several other ISPs: AT&T (US), KDDI (Japan), Free (France), Verizon Wireless, (US) Deutsche Telekom (Germany), RCS & RDS (Romania), Time Warner Cable (US).
World IPv6 Launch Measurements, by % IPv6 requests:
1 TOP-IX Consortium 86.27%
2 Fundacao Parque Tecnologico Itaipu - Brasil 79.65%
3 DirectVPS 77.66%
4 ThaiSarn 76.62%
5 Gustavus Adolphus College 17234 74.17%
6 Google Fiber 70.22%
7 Universidad Panamericana 13679 66.84%
8 - Verein zur Frderung von Netzkwerkkunst 66.73%
9 interscholz Internet Services GmbH & Co. KG 66.20%
10 Virginia Tech 61.69%
11 Trunk Networks Limited 56.99%
12 Association 56.41%
13 DegNet GmbH 51.91%
14 Ponto de PresenC'a da RNP na Bahia 51.75%
15 Critical Colocation 51.38%
16 Jiri strohalm 51.29%
17 SPAWAR 51.12%
18 ITsjefen AS 51.08%
19 SuperInternet Access Pte Ltd 50.88%
20 University of New Hampshire 50.57%
21 AIMES Grid Services CIC 50.38%
22 Region 7 ESC 50.27%
23 PREGINET 50.24%
24 Maxiweb Internet Provider 50.20%
25 CICA/Junta de AndalucC-a 50.04%
26 DreamHost 49.41%
27 Alhambra Eidos 49.32%
28 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 48.85%
29 Sauk Valley Community College 46.13%
30 University of Minnesota 45.87%
31 Marist College 45.83%
32 AMS-IX 44.09%
33 University of Iowa 42.90%
34 Kasetsart University 41.31%
35 Verizon Wireless 40.40%
36 University of Pennsylvania 40.06%
37 Bulgaria NREN 38.74%
38 38.69%
39 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 37.91%
40 Louisiana State University 35.74%
41 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre 35.17%
42 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue 32.66%
43 Free 31.03%
44 UNESP 30.15%
45 NetAssist 29.72%
46 ARNES 28.98%
47 Tulane University 28.88%
48 Utility Line Italia srl 28.19%
49 Host Virtual, Inc 27.79%
50 Hughes Network Systems 27.28%
51 FCCN 26.96%
52 UFSCar 26.36%
53 VOO 25.94%
54 Opera Software ASA 25.69%
55 Greek Research & Technology Network 24.94%
56 UNINETT 24.58%
57 LENTEL 23.48%
58 Chubu Telecommunications 22.76%
59 RCS & RDS 22.01%
60 20.20%
61 Comcast 20.15%
62 Monash University 19.82%
63 Swisscom 19.64%
64 UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil 19.25%
65 XS4ALL 18.52%
66 AAISP 18.13%
67 SIDN 17.11%
68 EPT Luxembourg 16.72%
69 manitu GmbH 15.88%
70 VentraIP Group (Australia) Pty Ltd 15.73%
71 LITNET 15.09%
72 Hurricane Electric 14.88%
73 ATT 14.82%
74 NIIF/Hungarnet 14.43%
75 Funet 12.60%
76 CESNET 12.33%
77 Deutsche Telekom AG 12.28%
78 Indiana University 12.14%
79 OVH 11.63%
80 FranTech Solutions 10.98%
81 Red Academica de Centros de InvestigaciC3n y Universidades Nacionales REACCIUN 10.95%
82 UniNet 10.48%
83 Host.MD 10.35%
84 Belnet 9.73%
85 Cisco 9.70%
86 CJSC Progressive Technologies 9.65%
87 KDDI 8.87%
88 Academia Sinica Network 8.22%
89 SARENET 8.01%
90 DMZGlobal 7.99%
91 SWITCH 7.86%
92 Init7 7.70%
93 MediaCat Div./Community Netowork Center Inc. 7.52%
94 AMRES - Serbian National Research and Education Network 7.10%
95 RedIRIS 6.74%
96 T-Mobile USA 6.49%
97 Voxel / Internap 6.48%
98 Defense Research and Engineering Network 6.41%
99 6.35%
100 M1 Limited 6.29%
World IPv6 Launch Measurements, by volume of IPv6:
1 Comcast 20.15%
2 ATT 14.82%
3 KDDI 8.87%
4 Free 31.03%
5 Verizon Wireless 40.40%
6 Deutsche Telekom AG 12.28%
7 RCS & RDS 22.01%
8 Time Warner Cable 4.07%
9 Liberty Global 2.52%
10 Telefonica del Peru 5.14%
11 Swisscom 19.64%
12 SoftBank BB 1.65%
13 Hughes Network Systems 27.28%
14 Chubu Telecommunications 22.76%
15 Opera Software ASA 25.69%
16 VOO 25.94%
17 XS4ALL 18.52%
18 China Telecom 0.18%
19 Janet 4.29%
20 T-Mobile USA 6.49%
21 Forthnet 3.35%
22 StarHub 4.81%
23 University of Minnesota 45.87%
24 Indiana University 12.14%
25 CESNET 12.33%
26 Google Fiber 70.22%
27 M1 Limited 6.29%
28 Virginia Tech 61.69%
29 Internode 4.53%
30 FCCN 26.96%
31 EPT Luxembourg 16.72%
32 Cisco 9.70%
33 Belnet 9.73%
34 Louisiana State University 35.74%
35 RedIRIS 6.74%
36 UNINETT 24.58%
37 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre 35.17%
38 its communications Inc.(iTSCOM) 3.14%
39 SWITCH 7.86%
40 NIIF/Hungarnet 14.43%
41 ARNES 28.98%
42 MediaCat Div./Community Netowork Center Inc. 7.52%
43 BelWue 5.87%
44 LITNET 15.09%
45 University of Pennsylvania 40.06%
46 NTT Communications 4.38%
47 RENATER 4.10%
48 Kasetsart University 41.31%
49 University of Iowa 42.90%
51 OVH 11.63%
52 Tulane University 28.88%
53 Monash University 19.82%
54 UNESP 53166 30.15%
55 AMRES - Serbian National Research and Education Network 7.10%
56 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 37.91%
57 UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil 19.25%
58 University of Wisconsin - Madison 4.84%
59 Gustavus Adolphus College 74.17%
60 Funet 12.60%
61 GARR 1.25%
62 Marist College 45.83%
63 SPAWAR 51.12%
64 SURFnet 1.36%
65 SuperCSI 2.71%
66 Altibox AS 0.70%
67 AAISP 18.13%
68 Australian Academic and Research Network (AARNet) 2.32%
69 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 48.85%
70 Xfone 018 1.11%
71 UFSCar 26.36%
72 Voxel / Internap 6.48%
73 Solcon 5.12%
74 UniNet 10.48%
75 CJSC Progressive Technologies 9.65%
76 CICA/Junta de AndalucC-a 50.04%
77 Starlink 1.47%
78 Hurricane Electric 14.88%
79 Greek Research & Technology Network 24.94%
80 Jiri strohalm 51.29%
81 JARING Communications Sdn Bhd 0.27%
82 Defense Research and Engineering Network 6.41%
83 GITN Sdn Berhad 3.11%
84 Dhiraagu 0.85%
85 Academia Sinica Network 8.22%
86 AG 2.83%
87 Louisiana Optical Network Initiative 5.04%
88 LENTEL 23.48%
89 Fundacao Parque Tecnologico Itaipu - Brasil 79.65%
90 DegNet GmbH 51.91%
91 National Informatics Centre 2.19%
92 38.69%
93 GlobalConnect 1.54%
94 The Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa (TENET) 1.53%
95 DMZGlobal 7.99%
96 Init7 7.70%
97 SoftLayer Technologies 1.40%
98 Ponto de PresenC'a da RNP na Bahia 51.75%
99 Storm Internet 5.40%
100 inexio KGaA 1.15%
I've pulled out some of the data, and put together ranked (top 100) lists of networks by two measures: (1) percentage of requests that used IPv6, and (2) total volume of IPv6 requests. As I've done a few times in the past, I'm going to continue periodically writing these entries to have a snapshots in time of IPv6 deployment progress.
Many networks are posting some pretty impressive numbers for IPv6 usage. For the leading network in the %v6 category (the 1st list below), TOP-IX Consortium, an Italian Internet Exchange point has 86% of their requests to the participating content providers using IPv6! Several universities in the US R&E community are doing well too, Gustavus Adolphus College at 74%, Virginia Tech at 62%, University of New Hampshire at 51% among them. The University of Pennsylvania (my own institution) is posting a respectable 40% - we'll have IPv6 fully deployed on our wireless network in early 2014, at which time our numbers should go up substantially. There's an interesting story about why Penn hasn't had IPv6 on its wireless network for so long - I'm planning to write a separate article on that topic in the near future.
In the total volume category (the 2nd list below) Comcast now leads. John Brzozowski, Comcast's chief IPv6 architect, has written a more detailed article on their leadership position in IPv6 deployment. They are followed by several other ISPs: AT&T (US), KDDI (Japan), Free (France), Verizon Wireless, (US) Deutsche Telekom (Germany), RCS & RDS (Romania), Time Warner Cable (US).
World IPv6 Launch Measurements, by % IPv6 requests:
1 TOP-IX Consortium 86.27%
2 Fundacao Parque Tecnologico Itaipu - Brasil 79.65%
3 DirectVPS 77.66%
4 ThaiSarn 76.62%
5 Gustavus Adolphus College 17234 74.17%
6 Google Fiber 70.22%
7 Universidad Panamericana 13679 66.84%
8 - Verein zur Frderung von Netzkwerkkunst 66.73%
9 interscholz Internet Services GmbH & Co. KG 66.20%
10 Virginia Tech 61.69%
11 Trunk Networks Limited 56.99%
12 Association 56.41%
13 DegNet GmbH 51.91%
14 Ponto de PresenC'a da RNP na Bahia 51.75%
15 Critical Colocation 51.38%
16 Jiri strohalm 51.29%
17 SPAWAR 51.12%
18 ITsjefen AS 51.08%
19 SuperInternet Access Pte Ltd 50.88%
20 University of New Hampshire 50.57%
21 AIMES Grid Services CIC 50.38%
22 Region 7 ESC 50.27%
23 PREGINET 50.24%
24 Maxiweb Internet Provider 50.20%
25 CICA/Junta de AndalucC-a 50.04%
26 DreamHost 49.41%
27 Alhambra Eidos 49.32%
28 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 48.85%
29 Sauk Valley Community College 46.13%
30 University of Minnesota 45.87%
31 Marist College 45.83%
32 AMS-IX 44.09%
33 University of Iowa 42.90%
34 Kasetsart University 41.31%
35 Verizon Wireless 40.40%
36 University of Pennsylvania 40.06%
37 Bulgaria NREN 38.74%
38 38.69%
39 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 37.91%
40 Louisiana State University 35.74%
41 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre 35.17%
42 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue 32.66%
43 Free 31.03%
44 UNESP 30.15%
45 NetAssist 29.72%
46 ARNES 28.98%
47 Tulane University 28.88%
48 Utility Line Italia srl 28.19%
49 Host Virtual, Inc 27.79%
50 Hughes Network Systems 27.28%
51 FCCN 26.96%
52 UFSCar 26.36%
53 VOO 25.94%
54 Opera Software ASA 25.69%
55 Greek Research & Technology Network 24.94%
56 UNINETT 24.58%
57 LENTEL 23.48%
58 Chubu Telecommunications 22.76%
59 RCS & RDS 22.01%
60 20.20%
61 Comcast 20.15%
62 Monash University 19.82%
63 Swisscom 19.64%
64 UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil 19.25%
65 XS4ALL 18.52%
66 AAISP 18.13%
67 SIDN 17.11%
68 EPT Luxembourg 16.72%
69 manitu GmbH 15.88%
70 VentraIP Group (Australia) Pty Ltd 15.73%
71 LITNET 15.09%
72 Hurricane Electric 14.88%
73 ATT 14.82%
74 NIIF/Hungarnet 14.43%
75 Funet 12.60%
76 CESNET 12.33%
77 Deutsche Telekom AG 12.28%
78 Indiana University 12.14%
79 OVH 11.63%
80 FranTech Solutions 10.98%
81 Red Academica de Centros de InvestigaciC3n y Universidades Nacionales REACCIUN 10.95%
82 UniNet 10.48%
83 Host.MD 10.35%
84 Belnet 9.73%
85 Cisco 9.70%
86 CJSC Progressive Technologies 9.65%
87 KDDI 8.87%
88 Academia Sinica Network 8.22%
89 SARENET 8.01%
90 DMZGlobal 7.99%
91 SWITCH 7.86%
92 Init7 7.70%
93 MediaCat Div./Community Netowork Center Inc. 7.52%
94 AMRES - Serbian National Research and Education Network 7.10%
95 RedIRIS 6.74%
96 T-Mobile USA 6.49%
97 Voxel / Internap 6.48%
98 Defense Research and Engineering Network 6.41%
99 6.35%
100 M1 Limited 6.29%
World IPv6 Launch Measurements, by volume of IPv6:
1 Comcast 20.15%
2 ATT 14.82%
3 KDDI 8.87%
4 Free 31.03%
5 Verizon Wireless 40.40%
6 Deutsche Telekom AG 12.28%
7 RCS & RDS 22.01%
8 Time Warner Cable 4.07%
9 Liberty Global 2.52%
10 Telefonica del Peru 5.14%
11 Swisscom 19.64%
12 SoftBank BB 1.65%
13 Hughes Network Systems 27.28%
14 Chubu Telecommunications 22.76%
15 Opera Software ASA 25.69%
16 VOO 25.94%
17 XS4ALL 18.52%
18 China Telecom 0.18%
19 Janet 4.29%
20 T-Mobile USA 6.49%
21 Forthnet 3.35%
22 StarHub 4.81%
23 University of Minnesota 45.87%
24 Indiana University 12.14%
25 CESNET 12.33%
26 Google Fiber 70.22%
27 M1 Limited 6.29%
28 Virginia Tech 61.69%
29 Internode 4.53%
30 FCCN 26.96%
31 EPT Luxembourg 16.72%
32 Cisco 9.70%
33 Belnet 9.73%
34 Louisiana State University 35.74%
35 RedIRIS 6.74%
36 UNINETT 24.58%
37 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre 35.17%
38 its communications Inc.(iTSCOM) 3.14%
39 SWITCH 7.86%
40 NIIF/Hungarnet 14.43%
41 ARNES 28.98%
42 MediaCat Div./Community Netowork Center Inc. 7.52%
43 BelWue 5.87%
44 LITNET 15.09%
45 University of Pennsylvania 40.06%
46 NTT Communications 4.38%
47 RENATER 4.10%
48 Kasetsart University 41.31%
49 University of Iowa 42.90%
51 OVH 11.63%
52 Tulane University 28.88%
53 Monash University 19.82%
54 UNESP 53166 30.15%
55 AMRES - Serbian National Research and Education Network 7.10%
56 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 37.91%
57 UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil 19.25%
58 University of Wisconsin - Madison 4.84%
59 Gustavus Adolphus College 74.17%
60 Funet 12.60%
61 GARR 1.25%
62 Marist College 45.83%
63 SPAWAR 51.12%
64 SURFnet 1.36%
65 SuperCSI 2.71%
66 Altibox AS 0.70%
67 AAISP 18.13%
68 Australian Academic and Research Network (AARNet) 2.32%
69 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 48.85%
70 Xfone 018 1.11%
71 UFSCar 26.36%
72 Voxel / Internap 6.48%
73 Solcon 5.12%
74 UniNet 10.48%
75 CJSC Progressive Technologies 9.65%
76 CICA/Junta de AndalucC-a 50.04%
77 Starlink 1.47%
78 Hurricane Electric 14.88%
79 Greek Research & Technology Network 24.94%
80 Jiri strohalm 51.29%
81 JARING Communications Sdn Bhd 0.27%
82 Defense Research and Engineering Network 6.41%
83 GITN Sdn Berhad 3.11%
84 Dhiraagu 0.85%
85 Academia Sinica Network 8.22%
86 AG 2.83%
87 Louisiana Optical Network Initiative 5.04%
88 LENTEL 23.48%
89 Fundacao Parque Tecnologico Itaipu - Brasil 79.65%
90 DegNet GmbH 51.91%
91 National Informatics Centre 2.19%
92 38.69%
93 GlobalConnect 1.54%
94 The Tertiary Education and Research Network of South Africa (TENET) 1.53%
95 DMZGlobal 7.99%
96 Init7 7.70%
97 SoftLayer Technologies 1.40%
98 Ponto de PresenC'a da RNP na Bahia 51.75%
99 Storm Internet 5.40%
100 inexio KGaA 1.15%
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It’s fascinating to see how IPv6 adoption has evolved since then. This launch was a significant milestone in enhancing internet connectivity and addressing IPv4 limitations.
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