From the Internet Society's most recent (January 16th 2014) round of IPv6 measurements, here again are the top 100 lists ranked by the two measures of (1) percentage of requests that used
IPv6, and (2) total volume of IPv6 requests.
My past articles on this topic:
* Measurements from December 12th 2013
* Measurements from September 17th 2013
* Measurements from June 6th 2012
ISOC's blog post highlights that Deutsche Telekom, a large German telecommunications carrier, (of which T-Mobile US is a subsidiary*) has been experiencing very substantial IPv6 traffic growth. They've reached a figure of 15.5% of requests composed of IPv6 (to the select set of content providers providing measurement data). In terms of total volume of IPv6 requests, they are in 6th place behind five other large ISPs (See the second ranked list below). Comcast still leads the pack, followed by AT&T, KDDI, Free, and Verizon Wireless.
(*Note: T-Mobile's traffic is counted separately in the measurements from Deutsche Telekom)
Interestingly, while Verizon Wireless has a substantial IPv6 deployment, Verizon FIOS (their fiber-optic landline network) has made no visible progress in IPv6 deployment. Although many people, myself included, have noted this lack of deployment over the years, they were just recently taken sharply to task by folks on the NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) mailing list.
Looking at the rankings by proportion of IPv6 requests from each network, there is a new entry at the top - NYSERNet (a regional R&E network in New York State), coming in at a staggering 99.95%. On the Internet2 IPv6 working group list, I asked Bill Owens of NYSERNet if he wanted to comment. He claims that we shouldn't be too impressed because this is just the small NYSERNet office network and the backbone, with a relatively small population of clients. Regardless, I think it's a noteworthy achievement. As I've mentioned before, a number of universities and other educational organizations still show up prominently in this ranking. Two small american colleges, Gustavus Adolphus in Minnesota at 74.22% and Marist College in upstate New York at 65.77%! And Panamerican University, in Mexico City is at 66.22%.
Penn is slowly inching up at 45%. We'll have IPv6 deployed more extensively on our wireless network pretty soon, at which point I expect our numbers to go up noticeably.
World IPv6 Launch Measurements, by % IPv6 requests:
1 NYSERNet 99.95%
2 SpeedPartner GmbH 95.83%
3 TOP-IX Consortium 86.99%
4 Fundacao Parque Tecnologico Itaipu - Brasil 79.92%
5 DirectVPS 78.63%
6 interscholz Internet Services GmbH & Co. KG 75.49%
7 Gustavus Adolphus College 74.22%
8 Google Fiber 71.87%
9 Universidad Panamericana 66.22%
10 Marist College 65.77%
11 University of Vermont 65.13%
12 Virginia Tech 65.11%
13 - Verein zur Frderung von Netzkwerkkunst 64.97%
14 Association 55.67%
15 Utility Line Italia srl 53.40%
16 ThaiSarn 53.23%
17 DegNet GmbH 52.84%
18 Trunk Networks Limited 52.60%
19 Ji?? ?trohalm 52.20%
20 Alhambra Eidos 52.12%
21 Louisiana State University 51.93%
22 Ponto de Presen?a da RNP na Bahia 51.30%
23 SuperInternet Access Pte Ltd 50.45%
24 University of New Hampshire 50.44%
25 Region 7 ESC 50.24%
26 PREGINET 50.20%
27 CICA/Junta de Andaluc?a 50.05%
28 Tanzania Network Information Center 50.00%
29 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 49.03%
30 Maxiweb Internet Provider 48.76%
31 Critical Colocation 48.23%
32 University of Pennsylvania 45.38%
33 SPAWAR 44.15%
34 AMS-IX 42.99%
35 University of Iowa 42.81%
36 Kasetsart University 41.99%
37 DreamHost 41.79%
38 University of Minnesota 40.80%
39 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 40.74%
40 Bulgaria NREN 40.57%
41 Verizon Wireless 40.03%
42 CZ.NIC 39.02%
43 37.86%
44 Hughes Network Systems 35.60%
45 Sauk Valley Community College 35.52%
46 Tulane University 34.96%
47 Free 34.28%
48 ARNES 33.73%
49 Greek Research & Technology Network 33.14%
50 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre 32.71%
51 Host Virtual, Inc 31.74%
52 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue 28.41%
53 Opera Software ASA 27.54%
54 UNESP 27.26%
55 UNINETT 27.13%
56 FCCN 26.00%
57 VOO 24.12%
58 RCS & RDS 23.80%
59 23.37%
60 UFSCar 22.96%
61 EPT Luxembourg 22.43%
62 FranTech Solutions 22.03%
63 AAISP 21.22%
64 Comcast 20.61%
65 Chubu Telecommunications 18.90%
66 Swisscom 18.66%
67 XS4ALL 17.66%
68 UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil 17.50%
69 LENTEL 16.73%
70 StarHub 16.28%
71 Deutsche Telekom AG 15.50%
72 NIIF/Hungarnet 14.56%
73 LITNET 14.50%
74 Red Acad?mica de Centros de Investigaci?n y Universidades Nacionales REACCIUN 13.85%
75 Indiana University 13.68%
76 ATT 13.53%
77 SARENET 13.13%
78 DMZGlobal 12.97%
79 NetAssist 12.89%
80 Academia Sinica Network 12.14%
81 Cisco 11.95%
82 Solcon 11.46%
83 CESNET 11.04%
84 Funet 10.94%
85 PT. Wifian Solution 10.19%
86 FidoNet 10.12%
87 9.89%
88 T-Mobile USA 9.58%
89 Monash University 9.28%
90 OVH 9.26%
91 KDDI 8.94%
92 Spectrum Networks 8.30%
93 AMRES - Serbian National Research and Education Network 7.84%
94 Belnet 7.65%
95 SWITCH 7.62%
96 Hurricane Electric 7.58%
97 M1 Limited 7.22%
98 RedIRIS 6.96%
99 Init7 6.93%
100 CJSC Progressive Technologies 6.71%
World IPv6 Launch Measurements, by volume of IPv6:
1 Comcast 20.61%
2 ATT 13.53%
3 KDDI 8.94%
4 Free 34.28%
5 Verizon Wireless 40.03%
6 Deutsche Telekom AG 15.50%
7 Time Warner Cable 3.88%
8 RCS & RDS 23.80%
9 Liberty Global 2.43%
10 Swisscom 18.66%
11 Telefonica del Peru 4.60%
12 Hughes Network Systems 35.60%
13 SoftBank BB 1.46%
14 Chubu Telecommunications 18.90%
15 Opera Software ASA 27.54%
16 VOO 24.12%
17 XS4ALL 17.66%
18 StarHub 16.28%
19 T-Mobile USA 9.58%
20 Google Fiber 71.87%
21 China Telecom 0.23%
22 Forthnet 2.79%
23 M1 Limited 7.22%
24 Internode 3.94%
25 EPT Luxembourg 22.43%
26 Janet 3.81%
27 its communications Inc.(iTSCOM) 2.64%
28 CESNET 11.04%
29 MediaCat Div./Community Netowork Center Inc. 6.58%
30 Kasetsart University 41.99%
31 NTT Communications 4.51%
32 Belnet 7.65%
33 ARNES 33.73%
34 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre 32.71%
35 LITNET 14.50%
36 NIIF/Hungarnet 14.56%
37 OVH 9.26%
38 Cisco 11.95%
39 BelWue 5.71%
40 FCCN 26.00%
41 UNINETT 27.13%
42 Altibox AS 0.90%
43 Monash University 9.28%
44 SWITCH 7.62%
46 Australian Academic and Research Network (AARNet) 2.00%
47 Indiana University 13.68%
48 University of Minnesota 40.80%
49 AAISP 21.22%
50 UniNet 3.36%
51 Xfone 018 0.96%
52 Ji?? ?trohalm 52.20%
53 Voxel / Internap 3.51%
54 GITN Sdn Berhad 2.69%
55 Louisiana State University 51.93%
56 University of Pennsylvania 45.38%
57 SuperCSI 1.69%
58 JARING Communications Sdn Bhd 0.38%
59 Solcon 11.46%
60 CJSC Progressive Technologies 6.71%
61 Starlink 1.88%
62 inexio KGaA 2.44%
63 Virginia Tech 65.11%
64 AG 3.26%
65 Hurricane Electric 7.58%
66 Dhiraagu 0.60%
67 Gustavus Adolphus College 74.22%
68 LENTEL 16.73%
69 DMZGlobal 12.97%
70 DegNet GmbH 52.84%
71 RedIRIS 6.96%
72 Academia Sinica Network 12.14%
73 GlobalConnect 1.44%
74 University of Iowa 42.81%
75 Funet 10.94%
76 University of Wisconsin - Madison 6.16%
77 Storm Internet 3.76%
78 AMRES - Serbian National Research and Education Network 7.84%
79 National Informatics Centre 2.32%
80 SoftLayer Technologies 0.84%
81 RENATER 4.57%
82 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 49.03%
83 37.86%
84 Init7 6.93%
85 Host Virtual, Inc 31.74%
86 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 40.74%
87 Choopa, LLC 0.55%
88 NetAssist 12.89%
89 Tulane University 34.96%
90 DreamHost 41.79%
91 Bulgaria NREN 40.57%
92 FranTech Solutions 22.03%
93 Greek Student Network 0.47%
94 RESTENA 5.33%
95 UNESP 27.26%
96 iway AG 4.06%
97 FX Networks 0.49%
98 Tanzania Network Information Center 50.00%
99 edpnet 1.11%
100 ADDIX Internet Services 3.05%
My past articles on this topic:
* Measurements from December 12th 2013
* Measurements from September 17th 2013
* Measurements from June 6th 2012
ISOC's blog post highlights that Deutsche Telekom, a large German telecommunications carrier, (of which T-Mobile US is a subsidiary*) has been experiencing very substantial IPv6 traffic growth. They've reached a figure of 15.5% of requests composed of IPv6 (to the select set of content providers providing measurement data). In terms of total volume of IPv6 requests, they are in 6th place behind five other large ISPs (See the second ranked list below). Comcast still leads the pack, followed by AT&T, KDDI, Free, and Verizon Wireless.
(*Note: T-Mobile's traffic is counted separately in the measurements from Deutsche Telekom)
Interestingly, while Verizon Wireless has a substantial IPv6 deployment, Verizon FIOS (their fiber-optic landline network) has made no visible progress in IPv6 deployment. Although many people, myself included, have noted this lack of deployment over the years, they were just recently taken sharply to task by folks on the NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) mailing list.
Looking at the rankings by proportion of IPv6 requests from each network, there is a new entry at the top - NYSERNet (a regional R&E network in New York State), coming in at a staggering 99.95%. On the Internet2 IPv6 working group list, I asked Bill Owens of NYSERNet if he wanted to comment. He claims that we shouldn't be too impressed because this is just the small NYSERNet office network and the backbone, with a relatively small population of clients. Regardless, I think it's a noteworthy achievement. As I've mentioned before, a number of universities and other educational organizations still show up prominently in this ranking. Two small american colleges, Gustavus Adolphus in Minnesota at 74.22% and Marist College in upstate New York at 65.77%! And Panamerican University, in Mexico City is at 66.22%.
Penn is slowly inching up at 45%. We'll have IPv6 deployed more extensively on our wireless network pretty soon, at which point I expect our numbers to go up noticeably.
World IPv6 Launch Measurements, by % IPv6 requests:
1 NYSERNet 99.95%
2 SpeedPartner GmbH 95.83%
3 TOP-IX Consortium 86.99%
4 Fundacao Parque Tecnologico Itaipu - Brasil 79.92%
5 DirectVPS 78.63%
6 interscholz Internet Services GmbH & Co. KG 75.49%
7 Gustavus Adolphus College 74.22%
8 Google Fiber 71.87%
9 Universidad Panamericana 66.22%
10 Marist College 65.77%
11 University of Vermont 65.13%
12 Virginia Tech 65.11%
13 - Verein zur Frderung von Netzkwerkkunst 64.97%
14 Association 55.67%
15 Utility Line Italia srl 53.40%
16 ThaiSarn 53.23%
17 DegNet GmbH 52.84%
18 Trunk Networks Limited 52.60%
19 Ji?? ?trohalm 52.20%
20 Alhambra Eidos 52.12%
21 Louisiana State University 51.93%
22 Ponto de Presen?a da RNP na Bahia 51.30%
23 SuperInternet Access Pte Ltd 50.45%
24 University of New Hampshire 50.44%
25 Region 7 ESC 50.24%
26 PREGINET 50.20%
27 CICA/Junta de Andaluc?a 50.05%
28 Tanzania Network Information Center 50.00%
29 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 49.03%
30 Maxiweb Internet Provider 48.76%
31 Critical Colocation 48.23%
32 University of Pennsylvania 45.38%
33 SPAWAR 44.15%
34 AMS-IX 42.99%
35 University of Iowa 42.81%
36 Kasetsart University 41.99%
37 DreamHost 41.79%
38 University of Minnesota 40.80%
39 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 40.74%
40 Bulgaria NREN 40.57%
41 Verizon Wireless 40.03%
42 CZ.NIC 39.02%
43 37.86%
44 Hughes Network Systems 35.60%
45 Sauk Valley Community College 35.52%
46 Tulane University 34.96%
47 Free 34.28%
48 ARNES 33.73%
49 Greek Research & Technology Network 33.14%
50 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre 32.71%
51 Host Virtual, Inc 31.74%
52 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue 28.41%
53 Opera Software ASA 27.54%
54 UNESP 27.26%
55 UNINETT 27.13%
56 FCCN 26.00%
57 VOO 24.12%
58 RCS & RDS 23.80%
59 23.37%
60 UFSCar 22.96%
61 EPT Luxembourg 22.43%
62 FranTech Solutions 22.03%
63 AAISP 21.22%
64 Comcast 20.61%
65 Chubu Telecommunications 18.90%
66 Swisscom 18.66%
67 XS4ALL 17.66%
68 UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - Brazil 17.50%
69 LENTEL 16.73%
70 StarHub 16.28%
71 Deutsche Telekom AG 15.50%
72 NIIF/Hungarnet 14.56%
73 LITNET 14.50%
74 Red Acad?mica de Centros de Investigaci?n y Universidades Nacionales REACCIUN 13.85%
75 Indiana University 13.68%
76 ATT 13.53%
77 SARENET 13.13%
78 DMZGlobal 12.97%
79 NetAssist 12.89%
80 Academia Sinica Network 12.14%
81 Cisco 11.95%
82 Solcon 11.46%
83 CESNET 11.04%
84 Funet 10.94%
85 PT. Wifian Solution 10.19%
86 FidoNet 10.12%
87 9.89%
88 T-Mobile USA 9.58%
89 Monash University 9.28%
90 OVH 9.26%
91 KDDI 8.94%
92 Spectrum Networks 8.30%
93 AMRES - Serbian National Research and Education Network 7.84%
94 Belnet 7.65%
95 SWITCH 7.62%
96 Hurricane Electric 7.58%
97 M1 Limited 7.22%
98 RedIRIS 6.96%
99 Init7 6.93%
100 CJSC Progressive Technologies 6.71%
World IPv6 Launch Measurements, by volume of IPv6:
1 Comcast 20.61%
2 ATT 13.53%
3 KDDI 8.94%
4 Free 34.28%
5 Verizon Wireless 40.03%
6 Deutsche Telekom AG 15.50%
7 Time Warner Cable 3.88%
8 RCS & RDS 23.80%
9 Liberty Global 2.43%
10 Swisscom 18.66%
11 Telefonica del Peru 4.60%
12 Hughes Network Systems 35.60%
13 SoftBank BB 1.46%
14 Chubu Telecommunications 18.90%
15 Opera Software ASA 27.54%
16 VOO 24.12%
17 XS4ALL 17.66%
18 StarHub 16.28%
19 T-Mobile USA 9.58%
20 Google Fiber 71.87%
21 China Telecom 0.23%
22 Forthnet 2.79%
23 M1 Limited 7.22%
24 Internode 3.94%
25 EPT Luxembourg 22.43%
26 Janet 3.81%
27 its communications Inc.(iTSCOM) 2.64%
28 CESNET 11.04%
29 MediaCat Div./Community Netowork Center Inc. 6.58%
30 Kasetsart University 41.99%
31 NTT Communications 4.51%
32 Belnet 7.65%
33 ARNES 33.73%
34 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre 32.71%
35 LITNET 14.50%
36 NIIF/Hungarnet 14.56%
37 OVH 9.26%
38 Cisco 11.95%
39 BelWue 5.71%
40 FCCN 26.00%
41 UNINETT 27.13%
42 Altibox AS 0.90%
43 Monash University 9.28%
44 SWITCH 7.62%
46 Australian Academic and Research Network (AARNet) 2.00%
47 Indiana University 13.68%
48 University of Minnesota 40.80%
49 AAISP 21.22%
50 UniNet 3.36%
51 Xfone 018 0.96%
52 Ji?? ?trohalm 52.20%
53 Voxel / Internap 3.51%
54 GITN Sdn Berhad 2.69%
55 Louisiana State University 51.93%
56 University of Pennsylvania 45.38%
57 SuperCSI 1.69%
58 JARING Communications Sdn Bhd 0.38%
59 Solcon 11.46%
60 CJSC Progressive Technologies 6.71%
61 Starlink 1.88%
62 inexio KGaA 2.44%
63 Virginia Tech 65.11%
64 AG 3.26%
65 Hurricane Electric 7.58%
66 Dhiraagu 0.60%
67 Gustavus Adolphus College 74.22%
68 LENTEL 16.73%
69 DMZGlobal 12.97%
70 DegNet GmbH 52.84%
71 RedIRIS 6.96%
72 Academia Sinica Network 12.14%
73 GlobalConnect 1.44%
74 University of Iowa 42.81%
75 Funet 10.94%
76 University of Wisconsin - Madison 6.16%
77 Storm Internet 3.76%
78 AMRES - Serbian National Research and Education Network 7.84%
79 National Informatics Centre 2.32%
80 SoftLayer Technologies 0.84%
81 RENATER 4.57%
82 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 49.03%
83 37.86%
84 Init7 6.93%
85 Host Virtual, Inc 31.74%
86 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 40.74%
87 Choopa, LLC 0.55%
88 NetAssist 12.89%
89 Tulane University 34.96%
90 DreamHost 41.79%
91 Bulgaria NREN 40.57%
92 FranTech Solutions 22.03%
93 Greek Student Network 0.47%
94 RESTENA 5.33%
95 UNESP 27.26%
96 iway AG 4.06%
97 FX Networks 0.49%
98 Tanzania Network Information Center 50.00%
99 edpnet 1.11%
100 ADDIX Internet Services 3.05%
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ReplyDeleteInterestingly, while Verizon Wireless has a substantial IPv6 deployment, Verizon FIOS (their fiber-optic landline network) has made no visible progress in IPv6 deployment. Although many people, myself included, have noted this lack of deployment over the years, they were just recently taken sharply to task by folks on the NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) mailing list.
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ReplyDeleteContrastingly, Verizon FIOS (their fiber-optic landline network), while having a sizable IPv6 deployment, Production Design Agency has made no discernible progress. Someone on the NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) mailing group recently harshly criticized them.
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ReplyDeleteWorld IPv6 Launch Measurements provide valuable insights into the global adoption of IPv6, highlighting the progress made in addressing the exhaustion of IPv4 addresses. It's encouraging to see the increasing deployment of IPv6, paving the way for a more connected and sustainable internet future. Let's continue to embrace and support this transition for a more robust and scalable network infrastructure
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ReplyDeleteThe "World IPv6 Launch Measurements" report is a comprehensive analysis of the current state of IPv6 adoption across various sectors and regions. It offers a global perspective, highlighting adoption rates in different countries. The report also provides industry insights, growth trends, technical metrics, challenges addressed, case studies, accessibility, collaboration acknowledged, visualizations, future outlook, policy implications, and educational value. The report provides a wealth of data, insightful analysis, and an accessible presentation, making it an essential reference for anyone involved in internet technology, networking, or policy. It highlights the global adoption rate, industry insights, growth trends, technical metrics, challenges faced by organizations, case studies, accessibility, collaboration, visualizations, future outlook, policy implications, and educational value. In conclusion, the "World IPv6 Launch Measurements" report is an invaluable resource for understanding the current state of IPv6 adoption, providing valuable insights and inspiring action towards a more IPv6-enabled future.
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ReplyDeleteThe "World IPv6 Send off Estimations" report is a far reaching examination of the present status of IPv6 reception across different areas and locales. It offers a worldwide viewpoint, featuring reception rates in various nations. The report likewise gives industry bits of knowledge, development patterns, specialized measurements, challenges tended to, contextual analyses, openness, cooperation recognized, perceptions, future viewpoint, strategy suggestions, and instructive worth. The report gives an abundance of information, keen examination, and an open show, making it a fundamental reference for anybody engaged with web innovation, systems administration, or strategy. It features the worldwide reception rate, industry experiences, development patterns, specialized measurements, challenges looked by associations, contextual analyses, availability, joint effort, representations, future standpoint, strategy suggestions, and instructive worth. All in all, the "World IPv6 Send off Estimations" report is an important asset for understanding the present status of IPv6 reception, giving significant bits of knowledge and motivating activity towards a more IPv6-empowered future.
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ReplyDeleteThe World IPv6 Launch Measurements provide valuable insights into the global shift towards IPv6 adoption. They offer a clear picture of progress and challenges in IPv6 deployment, making them essential for businesses and policymakers. The detailed analysis helps identify trends and best practices for IPv6 implementation, evaluating network readiness for the era. These measurements are instrumental in shaping the future of Internet infrastructure.
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The "World IPv6 Launch Measurements" may offer insightful information about how IPv6 is being adopted and implemented around the world. This project probably monitors important performance indicators for IPv6 deployment on different networks, evaluating things like traffic volume, deployment rates, and network preparedness. These kinds of statistics are essential to comprehending the shift from IPv4 to IPv6 and pinpointing areas that require improvement. This database, which provides extensive statistics and analysis, is probably a crucial tool for network managers, legislators, and industry stakeholders to track developments and support the ongoing IPv6 transition, guaranteeing the Internet's continuous expansion and stability.
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ReplyDeleteGreat article on the World IPv6 Launch! It’s fascinating to see how IPv6 adoption has progressed and the impact it has on internet growth and connectivity.
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